April 04,2023

The devil is BUSY with this property. Someone went on Zillow and deleted all my for sale by owner sales history.  

Apparently, they forgot that when you post your property ,for sale by owner, Zillow sends  the homeowner  daily listings and updates when  their  listing changed, the price and status changes. 

I have over 200 emails  proving that  my property was listed for sale by owner on Zillow, this action recently happened in the last few weeks, between February 12,2023 and March 21,2023.   All emails from Zillow  have been copied and archived.

When the property was listed on Zillow, everyday around 8:00 a.m. Zillow generated an email with the  daily number of views and saves,I have all of them.  Including the emails to Zillow when someone kept tampering with my listing. 

Pertinent documents are being deleted from a real estate  listing, the only persons that can update my listings besides myself are a realtor or Zillow.  I did not receive any notice that my listing was updated. 

Apparentlty, someone high jacked my listing deleted  my for sale listings and then returned my property to me. 

When the devil is losing they start to destroy edvidence to cause confusing.  

On March 22,2023 Zillow claimed ."We show no history of this property being posted as For Sale By Owner." I responded on the same day with photos and emails. Afterwards, my  description was deleted . I discovered on March 23,2023 that my description was deleted and I  reposted. Zillow has not responded. 

On March 23,2023 I sent and email to Zillow and informed them, that sources informed me ,that my sales history is hidden. There is toggle button in the sales listing history, where a realtor or Zillow can hide each  sale price. No response from Zillow. 

On March 29,2023  Zillow responded  Thank you for your patience while we look into this issue. The way we source price history data changed in January 2023, so this could be the reason the data is missing. Our developers are aware of the missing price history issue and are actively working towards a resolution.  

April 03,2023  Zillow responded: The way we source price history data changed in January 2023, this could be the reason the data is missing. Our developers are aware of the missing price history issue and are actively working towards a resolution. Just because the change was created January 2023 doesn't mean it was implemented for every property page at that time. Since the listing data wasn't transferred correctly the property description that you had was also not transferred correctly. 

If you wish to pursue this matter further, please have your attorney submit an official request along with any relevant legal documentation to our legal department. 

Subpoenas and other court orders must be properly served in accordance with applicable law. Requests made without legal representation will not be addressed by our legal team.

Zillow was in the process of reposting my sales history and days later decided I would need a lawyer to make my request and  stopped all communication about this matter unless by a lawyer.

No other persons are hiring a lawyer to have corrections made on their listing.  I contcated a couple of lawyers and it would cost $500 to $1200 to write one letter.  I refuse to pay this amount and will post photos and emails for future owners to know the sales history is missing. In my opinion , I believe someone flipped the toggle button to hide my sales history. The 21 help request tickets during the time my property was listed are still in my Zillow portal.

To future Buyers of 2591 Lee Road,Cleveland Heights ,Ohio 44118 was listed for sale on July 26,2020 after I encountered major repairs  and the alleged mortgage fraud. I was unable to sell because Cleveland Heights required a new POSI to transfer property and the highest potential Buyer offered $100K. 

BUYER BEWARE there are some serious repair issues with this property. 

Zillow sent emails on the selected dates and  :

June 26,2020 @9:58 a.m. listed property 2591 lee Road for sale by owner for $277,777

June 26,2020@12:49 p.m.  updated phone number

August 23,2020  Price changed to $77,777

October 29,2020  Price changed to $44,444

November 7,2020 Description changed

December 6,2020 Description changed

December 30,2020 Description changed

January 8,2021 Price changed to $44,000

January 17,2021 Price changed to $300,000

February 7,2021 Status changed  no longer for sale

February 8,2021 email to Zillow someone high jacked my account

February 10,2021 Description changed

February 11,2021  No longer for sale and Reclaimed listing

February 14,2021 Description updated

April 6,2021 Description updated

All Rights reserved  2023 and beyond. 
